Ashraf Murad

Born on October 26, 1925 in Baku, Azerbaijan

Ashraf Murad

Born on October 26, 1925 in Baku, Azerbaijan

1946 - A. Azimzadeh State Art College in Baku

1954 - I.E.Repin’s Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture with distinction

Selected exhibitions:

1984 - first posthumous solo exhibition, V. Samedova’s Art Gallery of the Artists Union of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

1976 - group exhibition "Glory to Labor", Baku, Azerbaijan

1975 - exhibition devoted to 30th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, Baku, Azerbaijan

1970 - exhibition devoted to the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin, Baku, Azerbaijan

1966 - group exhibition “The Autumn exhibition”, Baku, Azerbaijan

1965 - group exhibition "In Struggle for Peace", Baku, Azerbaijan

1963 - group exhibition “The Autumn exhibition”, Baku, Azerbaijan

1961 - group exhibition "Our Contemporaries", Baku, Azerbaijan

1960 - Republican Art exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan

1959 - exhibition devoted to decade of Azerbaijan literature and art, Moscow, Russia

1958 - Republican art exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan

Ashraf Murad’s works are being kept at the Artists Union of Azerbaijan, National Art Museum of Azerbaijan, Modern Art Museum in Baku, private collections.

Ashraf Murad passed away on March 11, 1979 in Baku, Azerbaijan.