Loris Cecchini

Born in Milan, Italy, in 1969 / Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

Loris Cecchini

Born in Milan, Italy, in 1969 / Lives and works in Berlin, Germany

Loris Cecchini’s sculptures and installations take inspiration from frameworks found in nature to suggest organic processes and transformation. At the same time, they allude to science and phenomenology, encouraging us to view them through our varied experiences and knowledge. Waterbones, composed of nearly 2000 tiny steel modules, resembles coral, yet also appears to realise cellular structures or mathematical formulae three-dimensionally. The sculpture seems to proliferate in the space before us, keeping both its natural and scientific connotations in play. Despite its elements of steel, Waterbones intimates a delicacy that echoes the fragility of the world’s coral reefs, 75% of which are threatened by rising ocean temperatures, marine pollution, and fishing for sport. Its scientific overtones, on the other hand, imply our capacity to conceive solutions to safeguard our future.


Portrait photo by Ugo La Pietra, courtesy the artist and Galleria Continua San Gimignano/ Beijing/ Les Moulins