Tony Cragg

Born in Liverpool, UK, in 1949 / Lives and works in Wuppertal, Germany

Tony Cragg

Born in Liverpool, UK, in 1949 / Lives and works in Wuppertal, Germany

The title of Tony Cragg’s dynamic sculpture articulates ambivalence or irresolution. Similarly, its very form embodies ambiguity: are the figures clinging to each other and entwined as one, or are they on the verge of splitting apart? Seen in this light, Mixed Emotions appears to manifest the diverse feelings expressed in politics and society about our impact on the causes of environmental change, and our role vis-à-vis its ramifications. Additionally, when considered alongside Cragg’s belief that sculpture may lead to open-minded approaches to the world around us, Mixed Emotions seemingly represents a hope for sensitive thinking about the future of the human race, while recognising the quandaries that we face.

Portrait photo by David Kaluza, 2007