Khalil Chishtee

Born in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1964 / Lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, USA and Pakistan

Khalil Chishtee

Born in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1964 / Lives and works in Brooklyn, New York, USA and Pakistan

Khalil Chishtee’s installation of ethereal life-size figures offers an upbeat and humanitarian take on plastic pollution and our threatened ecosystem. Chishtee wields one of the most ordinary and ubiquitous materials of our era, the plastic bag, to explore both the material’s possibilities and its connotations for the well-being of the human race. Realising only one figure in its entirety, and leaving the others incomplete, Chishtee accentuates the importance of progress and change as we encounter the challenges that plastic pollution has wrought on our land and oceans. We greet his figures holding hands in a circle facing towards us in an expression of mutual support and empathy. Composed entirely of white plastic garbage bags, their material denotes man’s responsibility to the environment, and the need to act together towards a cleaner ecosystem.