Stephanie Quayle

Born in Douglas, Isle of Man, Great Britain, in 1982 / Lives and works on the Isle of Man and London, Great Britain

Stephanie Quayle

Born in Douglas, Isle of Man, Great Britain, in 1982 / Lives and works on the Isle of Man and London, Great Britain

A large jenga-style wooded structure upon which monkeys sit or walk greets viewers as they walk into the gallery housing Stephanie Quayle’s installation. Some of her clay monkeys watch us from atop planks of wood, as if awaiting our reaction – and subsequent action – to their plight. The jenga emits the palpable threat of instability, compounded by Quayle’s use of decaying joists from timber barns and old wooden beams. As with the game of jenga, it appears that the installation could collapse at any moment. Quayle invokes the instability inherent in jenga to highlight the precarious situation human hands have wrought upon wildlife as a result of deforestation and consequent loss of habitat.